
July 15, 2011

[This is Toraji's story, in her own words, compiled by me (Sarabeth) from
various articles and posts from multiple sources. Her diet has not been specifically GAPS, but is similar enough to be relevant for many people on this path. I am most appreciative for the permission to post her work here; to protect her privacy, Toraji is not her real name.]

Healing Tooth Decay and Remineralizing Teeth
by Toraji

A Birth, An Anniversary, and A Beautiful Wedding, For Sure!

June 17, 2011

Dear Family,

We may live without poetry, music and art;
We may live without conscience and live without heart;
We may live without friends; we may live without books;
But civilized man can not live without cooks.

He may live without books,—what is knowledge but grieving?
He may live without hope—what is hope but deceiving?
He may live without love,—what is passion but pining?
But where is the man that can live without dining?

(This gem is attributed to “Owen Meredith,” the pen-name of Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton.)

Vegan and Vegetarian Children, and Shamanic Autism Treatments...Fascinating Articles This Week

May 31, 2011

“There are two programs now available for meeting the dental caries problem. One is to know first in detail all the physical and chemical factors involved and then proceed. The other is to know how to prevent the disease as the primitives have shown and then proceed. The former is largely the practice of the moderns. The latter is the program suggested by these investigations.”

Weston Price, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”


A Riddle, Unschoolers R Us, and Some Commentary By My Mom

May 31, 2011

Dear Family,

A Riddle:

“This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.”

--As recited by Gollum in “The Hobbit”



“I like that you had me.”

Contemplating the universe: “It's a good thing we're all still around.”

Trying to get into his pajamas after a bath: “Know why my foot is getting stuck [in my pants]? Because I'm soggy!”

The Ethical Politics of an Ex-Vegan

May 19, 2011

Have you ever changed your mind? I don't mean about what you want to eat for lunch: I mean Changing Your Mind about something that you've believed for an entire lifetime. Back in early April 2010, I unexpectedly embarked on a crazy journey that challenged me to do this. But before I tell you the whole story, I have to say a little bit about my old religion.

Autism, Turkey-Cooking, Balancing a Bicycle, and Epilepsy - and other fascinating articles this week

May 15, 2011

Opening a Can of Worms: “A father’s determination to help his son resulted in an experimental treatment for autism that uses roundworms to modulate inflammatory immune responses. Can the worms be used to treat other diseases?”


May 12, 2011

Three Generations of ASD/Gut Dysbiosis: Healing with Good Food

[I am most appreciative for the chance to post the following interview/essay. To protect their privacy, Polly and Connor are not their real names.]

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